To Get Help
Residents within St. Mary Catholic Church parish boundary may call (509) 362-7621 for assistance with food, utilities, or rent.
For additional resources available in the Spokane area, please see our
Resource guide
We accept non-perishable, unopened cans and packages of food. These items can be dropped off at Saint Mary Catholic Church.
Please make checks payable to SVdP St. Mary Conference and mail to:
Saint Mary Church
C/O SVDP St. Mary Conference
304 S. Adams Rd.
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
Online Donations:
To donate online please click the, "donate now" button and under the, " Donation
Designation" drop down select St. Vincent de Paul. *Please note that if you do not change the designation to ST VINCENT DE PAUL, we will NOT receive your contribution.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Mary Conference is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Donations to SVdP, St. Mary Conference are tax-deductible to the full extent under the law.
We are always in need of following items:
Food Items:
Canned Soup
Applesauce cups and cans
Dried fruit, raisins
100% fruit leather
Low sugar fruit jams and jellies
Fruit cups and cans in their own juices
Oats or oatmeal
Boxed Cereal
Granola bars
Rice, brown or white
Macaroni and Cheese
Boxed Dinners
Shelf Stable Milk & Alternative Milks (Soy, Rice, Almond, etc.)
Baby formula
Canned Chicken & Turkey
Canned Tuna or Salmon in water
Canned Bean Products
Canned Tomato Products
Peanut butter & other nut butters
Cooking Oils, like Olive and Canola